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  • Writer's pictureSAIKAT MAITY

Mathematics - the special language

Tonight, I am just thinking about how mathematics would have invented? This question is special because mathematics is really a very different language. Yeah really, I just figured out that all other languages in world that have been ever created were dependent on our five senses for their formation. but HOW?

There are 2 kinds of words in every language around the world. First kind of words, they have some kind of image associated with them which comes in our mind through our life experience. Like when you ‘mango’…image of mango may appear in your mind.Second kind of words, they are nothing but used to complete the meaning of the sentence…they may define the time reference when an event might have occurred (basically verbs) but what’s special in ‘Mathematics’?

In my opinion, Mathematics is independent of both categories of these words. ‘Mathematics is the only language in the world which is not recognised by our five senses.’ So how that language would have invented. Its really mysterious…there might be something like ‘sixth sense’ which is the source to create mathematics…this ‘sixth sense’ thing looks more realistic when we look at some of the greatest mathematicians like S.ramanujan who didn’t study from anywhere but knew mathematics like nobody else…they might have used their sixth sense…well who knows exactly how it would have invented…it’s still a mystery.

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